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Swoop, Swoop Motherfucker.jpg


As a youngin', Willie often felt alone or isolated, regardless of how much love was around him. (Now we call that depression folks). Because of this, he often found himself playing with toys and giving them little stories to help them go about their lives. Their lives became his. Those were some solid times for little Willie.


This solitary way of thinking carried into his early adult years, only his toys turned into characters of his own creation. The seclusion in his mind brought about all the love he was able to feel through creation. Ther's that duality of life again. 



That duplexity that lends itself to his creations has been a life staple for Willie. FYI. His top spotify genre will always be Sad Boi Hype Music. If you're gonna be sad, might as well be hype abput it. 


He published his first novel late 2020 and has no intention of slowing down anytime soon (this part was actually written soon after IHN RISING was published during the old Covid lockdowns and he did in fact slow down).

On to bigger and better things though. Onwars and upwards.

What's the phrase? Excelsior!? Can this take me higher..? There's a 90's song reference in there for ya. 


 Creating is just what Willie loves doing. For better or worse. He is now the creator of his dreams and hopes to inspire others to reach out for theirs as he has done with his. 


Get in touch if you’ve got any comments, questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello. Willie would be more than happy to hear from you.

We're all part of the same team here. 



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